Organized crime: cyber crime, trafficking, collusion, monopoly, terrorism, corruption, money laundering

Introduction: Definition of organized crime, brief history, and current state. The Roots of Organized Crime: How and why organized crime groups emerge

What is Organized Crime?

Organized crime is a type of criminal activity that involves the use of structured groups to engage in illegal activities.
Organized crime can be defined as an association of individuals who have a common purpose and who work together to achieve that purpose through illegal means. There are many different types of organized crime, but they all share certain characteristics:

  • They're usually large-scale and profitable;
  • They often involve more than one person;
  • They're often secret or hidden from view;
  • The members take steps to avoid detection by law enforcement agencies or government officials (and sometimes even fellow criminals).

Cyber Crime

Cyber crime is a growing threat that can have serious consequences for individuals and businesses. Cybercrime includes hacking, phishing, malware and ransomware attacks.
Cybercrime has become an increasingly lucrative industry for organized crime groups around the world because it's easy to conduct from anywhere in the world without being caught by law enforcement agencies.
It's important for you to protect yourself against cybercrime by using strong passwords on all your devices (including computers and mobile phones), installing security software on all devices that can be updated automatically like antivirus programs or firewalls (which block unauthorized access), avoiding suspicious emails or websites that ask for personal information such as bank account numbers or passwords, keeping software up-to-date so it doesn't contain any known vulnerabilities which could allow hackers into your system


Trafficking is the act of forcing someone to work against their will. It can be done in many ways, but most commonly involves the use of force or threats, false promises and manipulation. Trafficking victims may be forced into prostitution or other forms of sex work; they could also be made to provide labor for other industries such as agriculture or construction.
Trafficking has serious consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. Victims experience trauma from being forced into these situations, which can lead them to develop mental health issues like depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition to this emotional damage caused by trafficking itself there are also physical effects; many victims suffer injuries due to poor working conditions and long hours spent performing difficult tasks without proper equipment or training


Collusion is a type of organized crime that involves two or more people working together to commit a crime. For example, collusion can occur when two or more people agree to commit fraud or embezzlement. In this case, they are both committing illegal acts by themselves but also working together as part of an agreement.
Collusion is often difficult to detect because it doesn't involve violence or threat like other types of crimes do; instead, it relies on secrecy and deception as tools for success. If you suspect someone may be engaging in collusion with others at work or school--for example if you find out that someone has been stealing from inventory--it's important for you not only report what happened but also seek legal advice about filing charges against those involved so that justice can be served (and hopefully prevent future occurrences).


A monopoly is a market in which there is only one seller. A monopoly can be natural (e.g., the government owns a resource) or artificial (e.g., created by government regulation).
Monopolies are often illegal, because they lead to higher prices and lower quality products for consumers. But not all monopolies are bad--some are necessary for society to function properly, such as utilities like electricity and water supply systems.
To prevent monopolies from forming in your business or industry:


Terrorism is a tactic used by groups and individuals to achieve political or ideological goals. The term "terrorism" can be applied to acts committed by non-state actors as well as state actors, but it has been most commonly associated with Islamic extremism.
Terrorist attacks are often carried out with the goal of causing fear in their targets, which can include civilians and government officials alike. The psychological impact of this type of violence can be devastating; many people who experience terrorism firsthand suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other mental health issues after the fact.


Corruption is a criminal act in which an individual or group of people make use of their power and authority to obtain something of value for themselves at the expense of others. Corruption can be financial, political or social in nature. It's often used as a tool by organized crime groups to gain control over businesses or government agencies and institutions.
Corruption may involve bribery (the giving or taking of money), nepotism (favoring family members) and embezzlement (the misappropriation of funds). It can take many forms:

  • Political corruption refers to acts by public officials who use their position for personal gain rather than serving the public good; examples include accepting bribes from companies seeking government contracts or jobs for friends who aren't qualified for them but are politically connected

Money Laundering

Money laundering is the process of making illegally obtained money appear legitimate. It's often used by organized crime to launder money from illegal activities like drug trafficking, prostitution and gambling.
Money laundering can take many forms:

  • Money may be deposited into a bank account under false pretenses. For example, if you were buying drugs on the street and wanted to avoid suspicion (and arrest), you could deposit some of your profits into an account that had been set up in advance by a friend or family member who could then withdraw it later without raising any flags at all.
  • Money may be invested into legitimate businesses with the intention of earning interest through legal means instead of illegal ones. This can help disguise what type of business actually generates income for criminals because many types of businesses require large amounts of capital investment before they generate profits - meaning that even if someone makes $100 per month from selling drugs on the street corner, they might only have enough cash left over after expenses like rent/food/etc., so there wouldn't necessarily be any reason why someone would want more than one job unless there was another source generating income somewhere else entirely!

Organized Crime in the Modern World

Organized crime is a global issue, and it's not going away anytime soon. The modern world is a breeding ground for organized crime because of the ease with which criminals can travel across borders, access technology like cryptocurrencies and encrypted communications, and launder money through legitimate businesses.
Organized crime groups will continue to evolve as technology advances--you can expect them to become more sophisticated in their methods of communication and money laundering as time goes on. But there are ways we can fight back against these criminal organizations: by working together across borders; by sharing information about suspicious activity; by passing laws that make it harder for criminals to operate; by keeping our streets safe through increased law enforcement presence (especially when people are most vulnerable).


As you can see, organized crime is a complex and ongoing issue. It's important to understand the nature of crimes.

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